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Causes of Dam Failure

Natural Disasters

Earthquakes, landslides, severe storms, including thunder­storms and hurricanes/typhoons, accumulation of melted snow, volcanic eruptions, Jams caused by debris or other natural disasters can impact the integrity of the dam.
Consequence: Structural damage or failure triggered by natural events.


The aging of a dam refers to the gradual deterioration of its structural, mechanical, and operational components over time. Like any other infrastructure, dams are subject to aging processes that can impact their performance, safety, and reliability.

Concrete dams are particularly susceptible to aging. Over time, concrete can experience cracking, spalling, and loss of strength. Chemical reactions within the concrete, exposure to aggressive environmental conditions, and inadequate maintenance can accelerate concrete aging. Aging also affects the mechanical and electrical components of dams, including gates, valves, turbines, and monitoring systems. Wear and tear, corrosion, and outdated technology can impact the functionality of these components.

Exposure to environmental elements such as sunlight, wind, and water can contribute to the aging of dam surfaces and protective coatings. Corrosion of metal components is a common issue.

Changes in the operational requirements of a dam over its lifespan may contribute to aging. Modifications, repairs, and adjustments made during the dam's operational history can impact its overall condition. It's important for dam authorities and operators to implement regular inspections, maintenance programs, and, when necessary, rehabilitation efforts to address the aging of dams. Monitoring systems, engineering assessments, and modernization projects can help extend the lifespan of dams and ensure their continued safety and functionality. Additionally, advancements in dam design and construction techniques contribute to the development of more resilient and durable dams.

The accumulation of sediment in the reservoir behind the dam is a natural process known as reservoir sedimentation. Over time, sedimentation reduces the storage capacity of the reservoir and may affect the dam's ability to manage water flow.

Repeated loading and unloading cycles, as well as dynamic stresses caused by water flow and seismic activity, can lead to structural fatigue in dam components. This can result in the development of cracks and weaknesses.

Structural Deficiencies

Cause: Poor design, construction, or maintenance can lead to structural weaknesses in the dam.
Consequence: Structural failures, breaches, or collapses that may result in uncontrolled water release.

Hydraulic Issues

Cause: Inadequate spillway capacity, improper outlet design, or sedimentation issues can affect the dam's hydraulic performance.
Consequence: Increased pressure on the dam, leading to overflow or erosion.

Foundation Instability

Cause: Unstable foundation conditions, geological factors, or settlement issues can compromise the stability of the dam.
Consequence: Shifting or settling of the dam, potentially leading to failure.


Cause: Excessive inflow due to heavy rainfall or snowmelt exceeding the dam's capacity.
Consequence: Water flowing over the top of the dam, potentially causing erosion and dam failure.

Erosion and Seepage

Cause: Soil erosion around the dam or seepage through the dam structure.
Consequence: Weakening of the dam structure, reducing its stability.

War or Conflict

During times of war or conflict, dams may become strategic targets. Damaging a dam can lead to significant flooding downstream, affecting both civilian populations and military operations.

Terrorism Threats

Dams have been identified as potential targets for terrorist activities due to their critical infrastructure nature. Threats of intentional damage to dams have been a security concern in various regions.

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